G&C Alliance SA
is a trading, engineering and service company operating in various industries.


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Since the start of business operations our specialists have successfully implemented plenty of turnkey projects for various enterprises in the following industries:


chemical industry


Project Management

G&C Project Management has an extensive experience in operations.

Exceptional professionals collaborating with stakeholders to engineer customized solutions to solve your toughest challenges and produce cost-effective results. Contribution to the long-time cooperation with customers and manufactures as well as in-depth analysis of industrial processes provide best solving challenging manufacturing and technological problems as well as for critical field operations. Our Company is aimed at offering not only equipment well known by the Clients but also alternative solutions through the use of state-of-the-art equipment of superior quality and complex systems in order to remain focused on upgrading the engineering and manufacturing processes and quality-price balance. Our goal is to focus on provision of technical solutions as they shorten the payback period for our Clients’ investments, increase production capacity of the technological equipment, save energy and help to solve ecological problems.

G&C Alliance SA operates in accordance with the International standards and in close collaboration with Suppliers of high-quality equipment.

Improving performance and reducing costs by increasing efficiency and safety:

Providing integrated solutions in terms of equipment and engineering services to enterprises operating in different industries;

Providing consulting services in the field of equipment supply, selection of non-standard and complex technological equipment;

Ensuring warranty and post-warranty maintenance services;


Assisting in performing of installation and commissioning at Clients’ sites;